Bainbridge Garden Party

Each May, the Pacific Northwest is blessed with a week or so of summer and it’s as if the entire island erupts into party mode. With glorious, sunny weather in the 70s and 80s, swaths of bright green grass, and everything either blooming or on the verge of bursting into bloom, this calls for a party. Specifically, a garden party.

My dear friend, Nancy, who is overly talented at everything she does, has the greenest thumb of anyone I know and her garden is a wonder to behold. Each year she manages to choose the most beautiful weekend in May to host this special event. Artfully designed and lovingly tended with great effort, care, and attention to detail, this oasis is a prime example of the gardening culture thriving on our well-watered island. 

While the pretty, pink primulas came out in full force to greet the partygoers, this garden also boasts a multitude of unique plant specimens, including some very rare and special orchids.

Bees are such an important part of our food chain. Can you spot this little guy hard at work pollinating these beautiful flowers? Without the bees we literally have no food so we can all feel good about anything we are doing to keep the bees in business! 

Our stunning hostess in her element! This particular bed has hostas that she brought back from her childhood lake cottage in Michigan. Nancy designed and cultivates all the gardens at her home and I love how she has made them beautiful as well as meaningful.

Welcoming to friendly fowl, the garden’s water feature hosts resident ducks and their darling ducklings each spring, providing the ultimate in exquisite Bainbridge Island living. I adore the reflection of this classic Bainbridge Island country house captured in the peaceful pond.

There’s not a corner of this garden that has been forgotten. Even the darling potting shed is designed to compliment the home and is accompanied by pristine border gardens (perfectly edged, I might add).

No summer garden party is complete without a delicious chilled rosé. Aix is my current favorite and it's usually available at our local T&C. I highly recommend you give it a try! I also love Whispering Angel (available at TJ's!) and Chloe, so pretty with it's smart little black bow.  

Remember I told you the hostess does everything well? She can even organize an amazing pot luck! Folks really pulled out all the stops to put together this spread. Everything was delicious. I brought Ina Garten's summer party standby: Pesto, Pasta Peas salad. I cheat and buy the fresh pesto at Town & Country to save myself a step. It's always a winner. 

What's a garden party without live music? Our hosts treated us to solo guitar and vocals by local talent, Nina Davis, who brings magic to any gathering with her melodic and touching covers of such classics as John Lennon's Imagine and Fleetwood Mac's Landslide while keeping the mix from getting too sweet by adding in a little Eddie Vedder and some of her incredible original work as well. I guarantee this girl is going to be a star.

Guests were encouraged to relax and mingle or join in the lawn games. Here are my beautiful friends, Pauline and April, enjoying a bit of the R&R. And, yes, that's a hulla hoop. I think Pauline was showing us how it's done just before I took this pic!

The more energetic amongst the party joined in on the badminton and croquet set up around the yard.

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It was so sweet to watch this dad teach his little boy how to play croquet. I'm not sure who won but they both looked like they were having a wonderful bonding moment. And not a phone in sight. Amazing!

As the sublime afternoon turned into a perfect Bainbridge summer night, the bonfire was lit and the sun began to set but no one was in a hurry to get home. We all stayed well into the night catching up with old friends, making new friends, and relishing living in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

If you love garden tours, we have an excellent opportunity coming up! The 29th annual Bainbridge in Bloom will be held this year, June 3rd and 4th. “Presented by Arts & Humanities Bainbridge, Bainbridge in Bloom is the Northwest’s premier annual garden event and draws visitors from around the region and the country. Five beautiful private gardens will welcome you during this popular self-guided tour, and you are encouraged to explore each setting with leisure at your own pace.” This year, the live music for Bainbridge in Bloom is being sponsored by my firm, Realogics Sotheby's International Realty. Because what's a garden party without music? Stop by the office to buy your tickets! 

Tickets available:
Realogics | Sotheby's International Realty
240 Winslow Way East
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110